Grade Level: 6th
Focus Trait: Idea Development
Mentor Text: The Secret Knowledge of Grown-Ups
Author: David Wisniewski
ISBN: 0064437531
Mentor Text Summary: A “kids’ guide” provides children with an insider’s look at an ongoing conspiracy of parental lies and deceit regarding commonly enforced rules such as eating one’s vegetables, combing one’s hair, and not blowing bubbles in one’s milk. Each of the parental “rules” is followed by its “official” reason and then the “truth,” or why the rule really exists.
1. Read The Secret Knowledge of Grown-Ups to you students.
2. While reading The Secret Knowledge of Grown-Ups point out the great descriptions used throughout the book, while also focusing on the three-part pattern used by the author.
3. Have students identify interesting ideas in this book and discuss why they grab the reader's attention.
4. Discuss ways the writer can grab the readers’ attention and make a list on chart paper. Make a chart listing the rules from the book, the "real" reasons for those rules, and favorite descriptions the author used.
5. Have students brainstorm their own list of rules they think are important, explain why, and brainstorm descriptions.
6. Have the students write their own sequel to this book following the author’s three-part pattern.
7. Have the students compare their sequel piece with a Venn Diagram to the actual sequel titled, The Secret Knowledge of Grown-Ups, The Second File.
8. Have a peer circle group discussion to share ideas.
9. Have students reread their papers and challenge them to come up with two different spins on the same rule.
10. Have students create their final draft in the form of a Power Point, iMovie, or Animoto presentation to share with the rest of the class.
Ohio Academic Content Standards for the Lesson:
Standard: Writing Process
A. Generate writing topics and establish a purpose appropriate for the audience.
H. Prepare writing for publication that is legible follows an appropriate format and uses techniques such as electronic resources and graphics.
1. Generate writing ideas through discussions with others and from printed material, and keep a list of writing ideas.
10. Use available technology to compose text.
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